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An Introduction to Audit Studies in the Social Sciences

Book Chapter
S. Michael Gaddis
In S. Michael Gaddis (ed.) Audit Studies: Behind the Scenes with Theory, Method, and Nuance, 3-44.
Publication year: 2018


An audit study is a specific type of field experiment primarily used to test for discriminatory behavior when survey and interview questions induce social desirability bias. In this chapter, I first review the language and definitions related to audit studies and encourage adoption of a common language. I then discuss why researchers use the audit method as well as when researchers can and should use this method. Next, I give an overview of the history of audit studies, focusing on major developments and changes in the overall body of work. Finally, I discuss the limitations of correspondence audits and provide some thoughts on future directions.


  • Audit studies
  • Racial/ethnic discrimination
  • In-depth review
  • Experiments

Frontiers of Sociological Research on Networks, Work, and Inequality

Book Chapter
Steve McDonald, S. Michael Gaddis, Lindsey B. Trimble, Lindsay Hamm
In Steve Mcdonald (ed.) Networks, Work and Inequality (Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 24) Emerald Group Publishing Limited, p. 1-41
Publication year: 2013


The introductory chapter to this special issue highlights contemporary scholarship on networks, work, and inequality. We review the last decade of research on this topic, identifying four key areas investigation: (1) networks and hiring, (2) networks and the labor process, (3) networks and outcomes at work, and (4) networks and institutional dynamics. Social networks play an important role in understanding the mechanisms by which and the conditions under which economic inequality is reproduced across gender, race, and social class distinctions. Throughout the review, we point to numerous opportunities for future research to enhance our understanding of these social processes.


  • Networks
  • Labor market / employment
  • Inequality
  • Social capital